
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1948 Smiths Oakland Oaks

Set size: 25

Front Design: A black and white posed photo fills most of the 2" x 3" card, with a small white bar at the bottom containing the player's name, position, and the card number.

Back Design: Red ink provides a short career biography and a Smiths clothing store advertisement.

Parallels and Similars: You're not seeing double, and I haven't posted the same set twice. The 1947 Smiths set looks identical, though the card stock on the '48 series is better and has a glossier finish.

Distribution: Unknown, though like the 1947 version it was probably given away at the stadium.

Thoughts: The '47 Smiths set was the second set I reviewed here, and now by post 14 I'm reviewing the other Smiths issue. It's all about the luck of the draw (or scanning order). See the 1947 set description for some more thoughts, but you have to admire the text on the back, describing what looks like some I'm-just-glad-to-be-here rookie as "rugged." Billy Martin and Casey Stengel (as manager) are the lone highlights of this team set.

Additional Links: Of course, Number 5 Type Collection beat me to this set by several months, and his card is in much better condition than mine.

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